As you leave the mega city of larger social media and big hosting sites, you traverse the fields of the wild web, and happen across a small shack. The shack is empty, but you find stairs that lead down into a basement. The basement is also empty, except for a large hole in the center of the floor. As you approach the hole, you feel drawn to peer into its depths, a faint blue glow lighting your face. You feel compelled to peer deeper, but you lose your footing and fall in. Welcome, to...

AJ's Mind Hole


This site is a repository for the goings on within my head. These thoughts tend to be rather rambly, so I have always shied away from social media, due to its reliance on short-form and concise thoughts. This will be part blog, part playground as I learn how to code HTML and CSS, and part dumping ground to share story ideas and art and whatever else I create. I'll list the most recent blog posts just below here, and have relevent links off to the side.

Recent Posts -

Story Post - 8/10/2024

This is my first story post, so I'll give a quick explanation for the structure I'll be using for these. My plan is to title them as Story Posts instead of Blog Posts, but I'll otherwise format and treat them the same, and archive them in the same place (for now, that is). I also might put a little blurb at the start saying what story idea it is on the first post of a story, and I'll have the title plus whatever number post/ chapter it is.

This story idea I'm going to call The Wasting. I might stick with that as the final title, or change it later if I come up with something better.

Story Text

Oh how the world had fallen. Caleb splashed through the muck, barren and gnarled branches whipped and snagged at his skin, leaving razor-thin cuts along his exposed flesh. A bulbous and misshapen beast snarled after him, clambering ceaselessly through the brush. Its thick rubbery skin slapped as it hit the mud, hands grasping at clumps of watery earth, the mouth in its eyeless face agape, its terrifyingly human teeth gnashing.

Caleb could feel his legs burning as he fought against the suction of the mud he crashed through, but he dared not stop with that thing only a few paces behind. He needed to get out of this horrid, grey swampland, and back into the horrid, grey forests beyond. Much of the world was blighted by the Wasting, a devastating plague that ate everything in its path, man, beast, and plant. Along with the Wasting came foul creatures, twisted and hungry, bent on tearing apart anything the Wasting missed in its path of destruction. Caleb remembered the world before, lush and beautiful, the farm he had grown up on with his family. He remembered when the fall happened. It started with the plants. The crops began to whither and die, turning a sickly grey as they wilted and turned to dust where they grew. Next came the animals. It started with the smaller livestock, the fowl, then worked its way up to the pigs and the cows. They became lethargic, ambling around the pasture as if in a daze, and after only a few days, they looked as if they hadn’t eaten in months. Nothing Caleb or his family did seemed to cure the animals of their ailments. Then they started to decay where they stood, turning into walking husks that collapsed and once again turned to dust. Not even the bones remained. After the animals, it was the people.

Caleb shook the memories from his mind. They would not serve him in this moment, he needed to stay focused. He nearly tripped over an exposed tree root from the leafless husk of a tree that speared out of the sludge. He gripped onto the trunk to prevent himself from falling in, but the creature used the momentary hesitation to lunge. Caleb used his momentum to swing around the tree, flinging himself past it but fully loosing his footing in the process. The creature’s lunge sent it into the tree where Caleb had stood mere seconds before, its teeth clamped around the trunk. Caleb staggered and fell backwards into the mud, squelching and beginning to sink. He flailed his arms back, attempting to boost himself back up, but couldn’t get hold of anything. The creature quickly reared back and bellowed a low, wet, guttural noise at him. It splashed back down into the murky swamp water and continued its mad dash for its prey. Caleb panicked and tried to reach for anything to pull himself free.

Just as the creature was about to fall upon him, Caleb felt a firm grasp on his outstretched hand, and was yanked aside. The creature cried out in frustration as it crashed into the muck where Caleb had been, and whirled around to see what dared take away its prey. Caleb looked up from where he had been dragged and saw fierce eyes staring down the abomination that stood before them. It was another human, clad in light battle gear, a sword in one hand, and Caleb’s still in the other. They wore a pendent around their neck on a golden chain, a symbol from the Holy Church of Caladia. The stranger dropped Caleb’s hand, then set themselves into a low battle stance. The creature charged the two, and Caleb watched as the stranger deftly tipped their sword, driving it deep just below the creatures left shoulder, and sliding to the side, as if the mud were no hindrance at all. Their blade sliced with the motion, leveraging it up and over the shoulder, nearly taking the arm off. The horrible beast staggered, unable to place weight onto its left arm, and slamming into the sludge. It tried to pull itself back up, but black bubbling blood began to pour from its mouth, and it collapsed, gurgling through haggard breaths.

The stranger stood still for a moment, watching the foul thing, then they wiped off their blade and sheathed it at their side. They turned to Caleb, and spoke.

“Those things are just bags of meat, really. Pretty easy to slice through if you know what you’re doing.” They offered their hand to Caleb, who gratefully took it. “You look like you could use a change of clothes, and a bath,” the stranger said, looking Caleb up and down.

Caleb looked at himself. After rolling around to get away from the creature, he was caked from head to toe in the foul smelling muck. “You’ve already saved my life, I can’t ask for more than that. I wish I had something to give you as thanks.” It was true, Caleb had nothing to his name, beyond the clothes he wore, and that were now ruined, and a moldy hunk of bread he had been lucky enough to scrounge up while looking through an abandoned farmstead he had passed through a day prior. Now that he thought about it, the bread was probably ruined too, after all that.

“I heard tell of a sanctuary west from here, ” Caleb said, “I was hoping I would happen upon it before the day's end, if it weren’t for that blasted abomination finding me here in the swamp.”

The stranger smiled, “Well, it seems you’re in luck, friend, as I happen to come from there.” They clapped Caleb on the back, and offered their hand, “The name’s Casey.”

"Caleb,” he sighed, as relief washed over him. He took Casey's hand, “Nice to meet’ya.”

Blog Post - 8/10/2024

Ok, so, it's been a week since my last update and I haven't done very many changes.

Woopsie! <=)

I kinda got into another Minecraft hyperfixation, so I've been doing that during all of my free time instead of working on the website!! I have dabbled a little bit, if you can see the attempt at a swatch clock at the top of the page, which I can't seem to get working, but I'll keep at it! I've also put my name and pronouns in the "About Me" tab, so that's a start! I'll post some pics here of the Minecraft world I've been playing in to make up for a lack of other content.

It's a Skyblock map using a datapack called 'Skyblock Infinite' which I'll put a link to here in case anyone's interested in checking it out! What's special about Skyblock Infinite is that you can spwan on a variety of different islands themed after different biomes, because the datapack takes your seed into account! It also spawns a few extra islands around you based on other biomes that would naturally be there based on the seed. The final part that makes it 'infinite' is that it also spawn structures! You can travel outward like you normally would and find all sorts of structures that would naturally spwan there. I got lucky and the seed I'm using spawned an entire Ancient City right under my island!! I got the idea to try it from a recent video by Legundo on YouTube, who posts a lot of Harcore 100 Days videos. Inspired by that I've also been playing on Hardcore, and have already died once =(. I'ts been fun though, however, I continue to be reminded that phantoms are the WORST!!!!!

Besides all that, not much else has been going on. It's been a little colder (down to around 60 degrees F at night! (or 15C)) around where I live, which is great because I overheat easily, and I work outside! Having the window open at night is always very nice too. Speaking of my work, I might make blog posts called something like "Tales from the Mail Truck" if anything interesting happens out on my delivery routes (I work for a large package delivery service. One might even call it THE large package delivery service, not to invoke its name aloud). I think that could be fun. Anyway, enough rambling, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

Minecraft Pictures A screenshot of an Ancient City from Minecraft A screenshot of a small cobblestone hut in Minecraft
Put my Cobble Generator in here to hide from phantoms while I farm some cobble.
A screenshot of a wheat and sugarcane farm in Minecraft A screenshot of glowberry vines in Minecraft
There were glowberries in my starting chest!
A screenshot of a mob farm in Minecraft A screenshot of a small island covered in snow with a spruce tree in Minecraft A screenshot of a birch tree farm in Minecraft

Blog Post - 8/3/2024

My first blog post! I'll use this one to go over my plans for the site and what I'm currently working on.

On this main page here I'll put the most important elements, links to other places on the site, some of the most recent posts, random fun decorations, and other things I'll eventually think of. I'm hosting this site on GitHub, which I have been told only hosts static sites, so I can't use JavaScript, but if that ever becomes an issue I can just migrate to a host that allows it.

Currently, I am working on my "About Me" page, so you all can get an idea of who I am and what I'm into. After that I would like to get a Gallery up and running where I can store my art. I don't get around to making stuff very often, but it's something I would like to try and do more. The Blog Archive will fill up with all past posts, as I don't want to fill up my main page with more than around 5 at a time. I'm thinking I'll organize them by sets of time as well, probably years, and I'll put a link at the top to jump to the years as time goes on. Hopefully I'll keep up with it all, I have a bad habit of starting a project and dropping it after a week or two to start another equally ambitious project (ADHD is very fun).

I'll also put my email up so you can contact me about stuff, and I can link to other sites I'm active on. At the moment that's really only BlueSky, but I also made an account on the Melonland Forum today as a way to meet and keep in touch with other people who are making sites like these! I also just saw a site earlier that had a live chat on the sidebar, which looked really cool. Or I could try adding a way to leave comments, like a GuestBook or something. Not sure if either is possible without JavaScript though, but I'll look into it!

Alright, I think that about wraps it up! I hope you all have a lovely day, or night depending on where and when you are reading this! Kisses to all, and farewell.